#OccupyTurkey: my personal soundtrack for Turkish Revolution


Even if I still have to release my "NioSiddharta's Travel" Turkish Rap & Reggae Mixtape, I've been to Turkey in 2010 where I met Fuat Ergin, one of most famous Hip-Hop artists there.

I've already felt in love with Fuat's sound sometimes before when a friend of mine brought from Istanbul his 2005 "Her Ayin Elemani", Ceza's "Med-Cezir",

Sagopa Kajmer's "Şarkı Koleksiyoncusu",

Sultana's "Sohret Yolu",

and Baba Zula & Mad Professor's "Gecekondu", a very dope psuchedelic-dub-reggae-folk group that's been collaborating with the Jamaican Dub Master.

Even if I can't understand Turkish at all, I want to give my personal playlist as a soundtrack to Turkish Revolution and let the whole Global Hip-Hop Community know how dope Turkish music is.

Check out #occupyturkey #occupytaksim #occupygezi #occupyistanbul #occupyankara #occupyizmir #direngezipark #resistaksim #resistanbul #occupygezi on Tumblr and Twitter.

Me and Fuat, Istanbul (Turkey) - 2010